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Healthcare update

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 5:36 pm
by eebs
NHS responds to claims about healthcare

Just in case you bump into any US Right wingers (apart from Clint Dempsey) bitching about healthcare in the UK :wink:

Re: Healthcare update

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 7:18 pm
by Irock
Thanks, great talking points!
When people bitch to *me* about the UK and Canadian systems, I tell them to stfu because this isnt the UK or Canada.

Are you guys seeing the news coverage of the nuts (like 2-4 people) wreaking havoc at town hall meetings (in cities / disticts they don't even live in)? And about the birthers nutjobs, and the "death panels" nutjobs? Do you guys know any people in real life who actually maintain that Obama wasn't born in the US? I'd like to say I don't, but the truth is I'm a little afraid to ask the Republicans I know, for fear they do believe it.

Re: Healthcare update

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 2:11 am
by sam
There's always that tension. I think I'm safe in my immediate area from birther bs, but you never know.

You can always bring up the government-run, 'socialized systems' we already have, like the congressional health plan, medicare, the VA system, tricare, etc. None of those have caused the complete collapse of western civilization. Or that the NTSB values human lives at about $5.8M each and no one complains much.