Tell Mama

If it looks like a fork and it quacks like a fork...

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Tell Mama

Postby Rubbs » Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:41 pm

I believe that the political establishment is rising up to derail the Obama campaign because he is a true threat to their system of corruption. I mean, Karl Rove is now going at him and praising Clinton. Not to mention President Clinton muddying the waters the day of the New Hampshire vote. Shameful. I am very dissapointed in that in particular. I am more committed to his campaign and vision now than ever. We really don't have many more chances to take back our country. Clinton inferring that people are using their hearts and not their minds. Characterizing voicing and reaffirming the basic principles of our constiution and country as false hope. Shameful. These are important times that we live in. The type of change that Obama is talking about....and the type of change that need has nothing to do with electing a democrat or a African-American, or a woman (all good things)...but the type of change that we crave and need and the only type of change that will truly save us at this point is a return to OUR values, OUR beliefs, and OUR constitution. We may not agree about many things...But the common thread that holds us together are the bounds of our consitition. While "We the People" may sound like poetry...There in line lies the foundation of a government. I will not feel poorly for believing in my country. And I will not continue to squelch the American voice of hope to succumb to the fear created by those that are to the true at heart motivated by self rather than country.

Go Obama.
I like connecting things.

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